The blog gives you idea of testing and automation testing example of selenium webdriver,SQl and Jmeter, you see the basic example of selenium web driver and get idea how to do automation testing,

How to Restart services of MYSQL Database in Linux through Terminal

Some time Mysql is not Working and we try to login into it and it gave us error or it do not responded in that case you have to Restart the services of mysql.

Below is the following error ?
  1. How do I get mysql prompt in linux terminal?
  2. How I start the mysql server from linux terminal?
  3. How do I get mysql prompt in linux terminal?
  4. How do I login to mysql server from linux terminal?
  5. How do I solve following error?

If you want to Prompt in linux terminal then you have to open terminal in linux and have enter below command

>> mysql -u root - p 
After this you have to enter password, after entered corrected password you are able to login.

  1. How I stop the mysql server from linux terminal ?
If you want to start the mysql server then you have to fire below query 

>> Sudo /etc/init.d/mysql start

If you want to restart the mysql  services then you have to fire below query 

>> Sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart

If you want to stop the mysql  services then you have to fire below query 

>> Sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

mysql is free or it is open source, so many industries used it, some time testing website on mysql and site is not open on your browser then there is mysql connection is problem, for that you have to restart services of my sql. 

How to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome?

Selenium Webdriver is an automation testing tools, now a days it is very user full for testing, it is an open source tool
In market we have Selenium Webdriver and Selenium RC, Different between them is for webdriver we do not have to start the server but in RC we have to start the server before running our code, and selenium RC support old version of browser

Steps :
1) You need to download the executable driver file from here  : Chrome Driver
2) After download file take path of file and paste in code which I wrote below.
3) Open your Eclipse and create any project
              how to create project In eclipse is describe here Eclipse

public class Chrome {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty("", "E://chromedriver.exe");
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();              

with the help of this code you can open the FF browser and google website in new tab.
Role of set property is very important it set property of browser so that code can executed
In above code we create a object of Webdriver and with the help of object we open the browser and URL in the browse.

How to Create project in Ecplise IDE ?

Eclipse is a software which is used to create application by writing and code and execute them, eclipse provide so many Short cut in it. Below is the snapshot which give you how to create project in eclipse

Eclipse provide facility to write the code and run it also you can debug the same and identity where you face issue . Eclipse have in built Glass fish server and eclipse easily integrated with android and other application, you can write android code and run the same code in the eclipse.

  • Open Eclipse in your system 
  • Clicked on New > java Project 

  • Check a pop-up is open
  • Enter Project in that pop-up
  • Clicked on Finished button

  • Check java project is created

  • Right Clicked on the Project name
  • Click on the new, check drop down is open
  • Clicked on the package

  • Enter the package name
  • Clicked on the Finished button

  • Check package is created
  • Right clicked on the package name
  • Clicked on the new
  • Check drop down is open
  • click on the class link

  • Enter class name 
  • clicked on the finished button
  • Check a project is created

How to do Manual Testing ?

Testing is a process with intend to found issues in application or Software.

Manual testing is the oldest and most rigorous type of software testing. Manual testing requires/need a tester to perform manual test operations on the test software without the help of Test automation(Testing tools). Manual testing is a laborious activity that requires the tester to possess a certain set of qualities; to be patient, observant, speculative, creative, innovative, open-minded, resourceful and skillful.

 manual testing can be difficult to perform on large software applications or applications having very large data set coverage because it is time consuming and you can not test large project fully with manual without help of automation. This drawback is compensated for by using manual black-box testing techniques including equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis. Using which, the vast data set specifications can be divided and converted into a more manageable and achievable set of test suites.

 In simple Language we can say that - Testing through eyes to found any issue or bug in the application or website, irrespective of other thing and it does not matter whether issue small or large

Good example of Testing : when a girls saw a boy, she can see/scan his body from top to Bottom and tell then about that boy as same way when a boy saw a girl he can scan him from top to bottom and told some comment or in technical language some issue.

Basic Fund of testing is to find issue or break the site, overall we have to provide Quality of Product
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