The blog gives you idea of testing and automation testing example of selenium webdriver,SQl and Jmeter, you see the basic example of selenium web driver and get idea how to do automation testing,

How to Open Chrome Browser using Selenium webdriver ?

Selenium Web driver is used for Automation testing and it is a open source tool, you can create automation script for your website and run it through web driver frame work

Create a java project

once the java project is created you have to download the selenium standalone jar file here image is displayed below

  • Once the file is download 
  • Extract that file on your machine
  • Import the jar file in your project
  • Right clicked on your project
  • Clicked on built path
  • Clicked on the configure built path

  • Add "all the jar " file in your project
write below code in your class file and check

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;

public class Enter_class_name {

public static void main(String[] args) {
System.setProperty("", "E:/chromedriver.exe");
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

you have to download chrome driver file from below location

Run this code with java application and check your bowser is open and in which site is open

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