The blog gives you idea of testing and automation testing example of selenium webdriver,SQl and Jmeter, you see the basic example of selenium web driver and get idea how to do automation testing,

How to run Selenium WebDriver test cases in Chrome?

Selenium Webdriver is an automation testing tools, now a days it is very user full for testing, it is an open source tool
In market we have Selenium Webdriver and Selenium RC, Different between them is for webdriver we do not have to start the server but in RC we have to start the server before running our code, and selenium RC support old version of browser

Steps :
1) You need to download the executable driver file from here  : Chrome Driver
2) After download file take path of file and paste in code which I wrote below.
3) Open your Eclipse and create any project
              how to create project In eclipse is describe here Eclipse

public class Chrome {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.setProperty("", "E://chromedriver.exe");
        WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();              

with the help of this code you can open the FF browser and google website in new tab.
Role of set property is very important it set property of browser so that code can executed
In above code we create a object of Webdriver and with the help of object we open the browser and URL in the browse.

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