while testing application if you get a scenario of browser back and Forward then how you will handle it in automation script. when I was writing automation script, I am get multiple scenario of browser back and forward in my application testing for that I am using below code in our script.
Follow below step:
1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Navigate to some page in website.
4. Use Selenium code to Navigate Back to Main Page.
public void browserBack(){
public static void main(String args[]){
WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();
Thread.sleep(3000); //delay in time
Thread.sleep(3000); //delay in time
Follow below step:
1. Create Driver for any Browser(Mozilla)
2. Go to the URL
3. Navigate to some page in website.
4. Use Selenium code to Navigate Back to Main Page.
public void browserBack(){
public static void main(String args[]){
WebDriver driver =new FirefoxDriver();
Thread.sleep(3000); //delay in time
Thread.sleep(3000); //delay in time
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